Register Here for Events

or e-mail

*You only need to register if the event mentions registration. This will help us plan accordingly.

We will acknowledge your reservation by e-mail and will save you a place!

We look forward to seeing you!

Coming October 20 after our morning worship service - everyone welcome!


Our theme this month is: Pastor Appreciation!

Pastor Marlo & Erika

Pastors have challenging jobs, and they are put in tough positions more than most people know. Most of us don't realize the stress and pressures that Pastor Marlo faces. His "job" is not just a one day a week thing. Thankfully, he is not in this alone! His precious wife stands by and with him in ministry. We are thankful they answered the call of God to serve the people of First Baptist and the surrounding community.

Whether you are visiting at First or are a regular attender, please plan to stay for our Meet & Greet to see why we love Pastor Marlo and Erika so much! We will have some fun getting acquainted and a luncheon will be provided.

Upcoming Community Events

  • all events are FREE from 10am-12pm at the church unless stated otherwise
  • please register at the top of this page so we know how many to plan for
November 2: Fall Butters + Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) + Cinnamon Roasted Pecans

We are going to be a busy stirring it up in this class! Join us in the kitchen as Cindi and Denise show how easy it is to create:

  • Apple & Pumpkin Butters - perfect for Christmas gifts - if they make it past your family!
  • ACV - quit paying high prices at the store - make your own!
  • Cinnamon Roasted Pecans - this impressive treat is sooooo easy!!! Friends and family will beg for more!!

All materials are provided for this class - however - be forewarned - some of these items will be addictive and you will want to stock up on apples, pumpkin and pecan halves so you can recreate these yummies at home.

December 7: Dual Event! Calendar Crafting & Cookie Exchange

Gloria will help us make handy calendars for 2025.

We also ask that each person bring 2 dozen of your favorite Christmas cookies.

Christmas baking made easy:

bake 1 type of cookie and go home with an assorted platter!!

5th Sunday U-Pick Hymns

December 29

Please suggest a hymn that we haven't sung in a while!

Suggestion list at the back of the sanctuary. Deadline - December 22!

Check back here for event updates!

Photos from past events. . .