There is plenty of seating, and the building is accessible to everyone (elevator),

so if you have any special needs - don't worry! We have you covered.

Sunday Worship ~ 10am

Most services last somewhere around an hour.

Children's church is available for up to age 8.

Along with preaching from the Word of God, our services utilize music and song to provide an environment

for people to glorify God and experience life transformation.

We incorporate a nice balance of traditional hymns with biblical contemporary music.

A large group of people including the pastor, musicians, singers and techies use their gifts

and talents to serve God and minister to the hearts of His people.

Monthly Schedule:

1st Sunday ~ Communion

2nd & 4th Sunday ~ Adult Bible Study 11:15am

Grab a cup of coffee and join us as we study how to apply the scripture to our daily lives. This study lasts about an hour.

Current study:

KEEP CALM & CARRY ON - see class info on Welcome Page.

3rd Sunday ~ Meet & Greet Fellowship 11:15am NO FEBRUARY MEET & GREET! We will see you in March!

If you are visiting First, we would love to greet you in a more informal setting. We provide a fellowship time along with a light lunch. We tend to have a lot of fun, so be prepared to have a good time! Please note - we are expecting you!!

*See events page for more information.

5th Sunday ~ U-Pick Hymns

We take requests for your favorite hymns - focusing on hymns we haven't sung in a while. It is nice to revive those oldies but goodies!